Tuesday 16 February 2010

Negative Posts/Comments

Some people seem to be thinking that i'm deliberatly not publishing anything negative about H&R. For me, there has'nt been any negative incidents yet. I am not saying this is true for everybody, i think we all have different tolerances and expectations, a crisis for one driver is a minor hiccup to another.Yes, sometimes i've had to wait around to be loaded or tipped, but on every occasion thats been down to the shipper or reciever, not H&R. Only this week i had to wait overnight to be tipped, that was because the reciever had'nt been working for two days and his chiller was full. There was another driver ( from Michigan) who arrived about two hours after me, he was told he would be tipped at 5pm ( 7 hours after me) and he only had 4 pallets! Waiting about for someone else to get their act together is fairly common in this job wherever you are. So far i have only been parked up once due to lack of work and i was given layovers for it, without arguement.
           The reason i don't publish negative comments is because they are always anonamous, and to me an anonamous comment of this type dose'nt belong on here. Maybe it belongs on a forum, or create your own blog. Also i can't understand why someone who wants to be heard and goes to the trouble of writing a comment, won't put their name to it. To me that says i'm not happy at H&R, but i don't want them to know it. Why? Perhaps you should go in to the office and let them know how you feel. The only person to have ever put their name to a negative comment was Mick Flynn, and i deleted these comments because i didn't want to be associated with his campaign against H&R. I am a big believer in not biting the hand that feeds you, especially when you have so much to loose, as we did at the time. I have nothing against Mick, in fact we once spent an enjoyable evening together ( i think. the booze was flowing well), and would probably do it again if the opertunity arose. So to sum up, if or when something negative does happen, if it truly is worth writing about, then i will post it. The anon posters will get their moment if they put a name on it, after all you know my name and truck number, why can't i know yours.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mick

    My better half Lee is starting with H&R in June this year, its lovely to read a blog where the outlook is so positive but still gives a realistic picture of what you guys do.

    So thank you and keep it up its fascinating to read.

