Sunday 1 November 2009


We had a really good steady trip both ways this time. The weather is starting to get worse now. The second photo is the Coquahala summit, a little further on the snow had compacted and was really slick. We were ok as our gross weight was 100,000 lbs (45.5 ton) but all the light trucks that flew past us on the big climb, slowed us down, until things improved. When we got tipped in Calgary we took a reset, then ran to Brooks AB for a load to Souix City NE. We've got 3 days to get there instead of 2 like normal, so we're taking it steady.


  1. That weight is illegal in Canada unless you had an overweight permit!

  2. hi anon, with a 12 ft spread tridem you can run at 46.5 ton. 46500 X 2.20456 = 102512lbs

  3. i suppose thats mick flynn is it?

  4. Nope I wouldn't remember the weights, so it must be another Mick.
    PS Good to see you are still getting loads of miles.

  5. hi mick, thanks for the comment. yes the miles are still coming. not getting to many new places,but making a living.
